Everyday Runway


For the first time I am posting for #WCW, one of the most popular hash tags during the week on social media. 
Joanne Borgella       Photo Credits

#WCW, Woman Crush Wednesday, is the day when social media enthusiasts post a picture with a caption explaining why the woman they selected is their #WCW.
Many wait anxiously to see if they have caught someone's eye. YOU know; made the cut. I must admit, I was a little excited and honored when I was tagged as a followers #WCW (twice now).
Eventhough I have reached #WCW status , I have been hesitant to use this hash tag and participate in #WCW because I have always equated the word crush to that gorgeous chocolate man I had a crush on in college. Blame small thinking and blinders for such foolishness!  Well today, the blinders are off and I am thinking of two women who shall be crowned my #WCW.
How did I get here?  What changed to cause such an awakening? 
Those that know me know that I am an over analyzer.  I think about everything and hang on to every word.  I dissect information and then spit it back out to make sure I have processed it correctly. 

Remember tall, dark and handsome I mentioned above? When I thought of him and the word crush, I thought of all of the qualities he possessed that captured my attention.  His intellect, his frame, his community involvement, his ability to make me smile and of course that beautiful smile and chiseled body. My point, he embodied qualities that deserved to be noticed and appreciated.

As host of Everyday Runway, a fashion and beauty segment that airs on WCCB, I have the awesome opportunity to use my love for fashion to educate, empower, and enlighten. Some critics only see the vanity in the fashion industry so I strive to bring more than a quote, handbag, and designer name to the show.

Last October I worked with local designers, stores and models, one being a cancer survivor, to raise awareness for breast cancer. It was the first of (hopefully) many segments featuring stylish ways to raise awareness for breast cancer. 

Why am I so passionate about this? I lost my aunt to breast cancer a few years ago and have purposed to get involved since. RIP Aunt Kat.  In December 2012 my mom was told she had cancer. January 2013 she had surgery, we went home to begin the recovery process and waited for the doctors phone call.  Cue my praise music because GOD.... GOD gave me the best birthday present on January 8th when the doctor called and told my mom she in fact did NOT have cancer! #MIRACLE

Shay Sharpe, diagnosed at 26, continues her fight!
September 23 Everyday Runway introduced viewers to Shay Sharpe's Pink Wishes (SSPW).  While attending a concert featuring a family friend, Eliah Keaton, I learned about this organization. 

SSPW is a non-profit organization that grants wishes to young women, age 40 and under, who have been diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. (We define terminal as having one year or less to live, per their physician.) In addition to granting wishes, SSPW educates, mentors and shares resources with women globally, who have been affected by breast cancer.

I could not believe that there was an organization just for women under 40.  I honestly could not believe that breast cancer was now affecting women under 40. Probably because I was unaware that cancer was beginning to attack women so early, even after learning of my cousin Niko's diagnosis over the summer. Long gone is the belief that breast cancer is an "older lady" problem.

Shay emailed me last week to let me know she was busy with life, a life that now includes dealing with cancer again. Shay was scheduled to be in Charlotte for the concert but cancer has this ugly way of rearing its face whenever it chooses to. Cancer does not care about schedules, race, age, economic status or even gender. Cancer truly does suck!

Shay Sharpe and Niko Crump, these women do anything BUT!!!!
Niko Crump is fighting like a girl!
They rock.  They inspire.  They embody strength, faith, resolve, and courage. These women, young women, young women under the age of 40, fight every day to kick cancers butt.

Shay and Niko have families that support them and care for them.  They have friends who send cards in the mail and gifts of encouragement.  They have strangers who understand their battles because they to have had to deal with the ugliness of cancer in some way.

Niko and Shay have people praying for them and fighting to make sure a cure is found.

Niko Crump and Shay Sharpe are my #WCW.  You women are amazing and have my support!

To show your support for Shay, visit her website and donate.

To show your support for Niko, click here and donate.

Remember, you can donate more than just money.  Smooth, soulful R & B artist Eliah Keaton (pictured left)donated his voice, his talent, time and a portion of the ticket sales to SSPW.

Lets come together and support woman like Niko, Shay, their families and others who continue to believe in faith that cancer will not stop them.

Cancer Goes Away      National Breast Cancer Awareness
Please comment and share any organizations that are helping make a difference in the lives of these women and their families.  

 Everyday Runway Segment

Style Night Out 2013


Please send prayers and words of encouragement to the family and friends of Joanne Borgella who was welcomed into heaven Saturday, October 18, at the age of 32.
RIP Joanne, you were a beautiful example of faith in action. 
Joanne Borgella     Photo Credits

Be sure to tune into Everyday Runway on WCCB News Rising, November 4 during the 8am hour.
Thank you for your support!


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